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Dive Shop Kissimmee staff has over 30 years experience in SCUBA instruction, sales and service. We specialize in bringing you the ultimate scuba diving experience. Whether you're a beginner who needs scuba lessons or you're an advanced diver in need of new dive equipment. Dive Shop Kissimmee has the scuba and snorkel solution you're searching for.

Located South of Orlando, Florida, Dive Shop Kissimmee is near all the hottest Florida dive spots such as Florida Keys, Jupiter, Pompano, Tampa, West Palm, Key Largo, Blue Springs, DeLeon Springs and more. But we don’t limit ourselves to Florida, there are many dive excursions throughout the year to even more unique dive locations.

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for Dives and Updates

1509 West Wind Blvd, Kissimmee, Florida 34746
Phone - 407-933-5090

Hours Of Operation
Monday - Friday9:00am - 7:00pm
Saturday9:00am - 5:00pm